Drafting contracts and agreements are often a creative and elaborate process that involves the collection of raw data and information related to the matter and then refining and presenting the same in an appropriate language. These legal documents need to be created in a manner that eliminates the risk of leaving any loopholes while making it possible for the clients to achieve their desired objectives. We at Adv Shanavas& Co understand the significance of efficient agreement and contract drafting  for ensuring its best benefits. That is why we make conscious efforts to handle this process delicately and proficiently and without leaving any scope for even the smallest error.

Our team of highly qualified professionals with requisite specializations in the field are competent enough to handle the drafting services for clients from diverse industries and also for both local and international jurisdictions. They are well-versed with all the parameters of local and international drafting laws and are capable enough to handle any obligations related to the same. Our years of expertise in preparing contracts and agreements help to create airtight agreements designed to fulfill customer needs and pave the way for a conducive and profitable business environment. We follow a step-by-step method to create the most effective contracts and agreements that help in avoiding any mismanagement and maximizing the benefits for our clients.

Our agreement drafting services includes the preparation of MOUs, formally binding and standard form agreements, drafting large commercial contracts, and almost any other type of contract or agreement. We offer our services with the promise of customization to match the specific needs and situations of individual clients. We offer prompt advice and support to resolve any queries of our clients and help them understand the terms and conditions of the contract and their future implications. Our multidisciplinary practice offers us cross-sectoral expertise in creating thorough, error-free, and legally enforced contracts. Most importantly, we maintain constant contact with government legislator bodies for compliance with the latest drafting regulations.

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